According to our Policy we took target to achieve the Zero harms to people & environmental which leading a Culture of Safety.
The importance of health and safety in the workplace simply cannot be underestimated. As well as being the law, it is part and parcel of being a good employer to make sure our staff are not at risk of any injury as a result of the work.
It’s not just our staff that health and safety is important for, it’s there to protect any visitors, customers, sub-contractors and the general public who may work for us, do business with us or come into contact with our organisations in any way.
During 2021-2024 Group companies performed more than 7 mln. manhours works without LTI.
© 2023 Centrasia Group Holding
With 8 years in business and more than 50 clients in Oil&Gas sector, «Centrasia Group» LLP Holding is one of the fastest growing groups in Kazakhstan.

Astana, Syganak 3/1, VP 10

+7 7172 20-26-38